JUST | 14+

Die Erde still geküsst

Softly kissing the Earth
By Kilian Bohnensack
Performed in German
Th, 10.10.2024
World Premiere | Youth DramaWartburg19:30
A poetic-musical look at the Romantic period and the turning point between the 19th and the 20th century. What lies behind people's feelings? How do they see themselves in relation to nature? What does Eichendorff have in commin with poetry slam or rap today? A search for the connection between people, emotions and the environment then and now.


Concept & Direction Kilian Bohnensack
Dramaturgy Balthazar Bender
With Sherwin Douki, Ariana Lucas


World Premiere | Youth DramaWartburg19:30
Youth DramaWartburg19:30