Jörg Endebrock

Photo: Volkmar Thedens-Jekel
Jörg Endebrock was born in Osnabrück in 1970. He studied Protestant Church Music in Hamburg and organ as a scholarship holder of the "German Academic Exchange Service" in Paris. He completed his postgraduate studies in 1999 with the distinctions "Prix d´éxcellence" and "Prix de virtuosité avec félicitations". He was cantor of the Christuskirche in Freiburg from 1999 to 2008, after which he took up the reigns as cantor at the Wiesbaden Lutherkirche. Here, he is responsible for two choirs: the Bach Choir (with 120 singers) and the Wiesbaden Chamber Choir (35 singers). In 2015, he founded the Evangelische Singakademie Wiesbaden, which currently has approximately 300 young singers. In 2019/20, the Singakademie partnered with the Wiesbaden State Theatre to provide the children's and youth choirs for opera performances. In the current season, Jörg Endebrock is responsible for "Carmen" and "Hänsel und Gretel".