
Die Freiheit einer Frau

A Woman's Battles and Transformations
Based on the book by Édouard Louis
Performed in German, translated from the French by Hinrich Schmidt-Henkel, in a version by Falk Richter
Original production by Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg

Édouard Louis vividly recounts the story of his mother, Monique Bellegueule, who grew up in precarious circumstances with no professional training and was trapped in marriages to violent and alcoholic men. He describes how, as a child, he wished he had a different mother and how happy he is to see her today as a liberated, happy woman.


Director Falk Richter
Stage Design Katrin Hoffmann
Costume Design Andy Besuch
Video Sébastien Dupouey
Video collaboration Jonas Link
LIve music / songs Bernadette La Hengst
Music on stage Daniel Freitag