
Opera Talk

Wolfgang M. Schmitt & Constantin Mende

Wolfgang M. Schmitt
Photo: Creative Commons
Constantin Mende
Photo: Privat

Wolfgang M. Schmitt is a podcaster, author and film critic, best known for his YouTube channel "Die Filmanalyse" and his podcasts "Wohlstand für alle" and "Die neuen Zwanziger". His incisive criticism, underpinned by references to philosophy, literature and political theory, has made him an important voice in the German cultural landscape. Wagner's "Ring der Nibelungen" fascinated him from an early age and sparked his enthusiasm for opera. On 25 May, he will discuss Wagner's masterpiece with Constantin Mende, chief dramaturg for opera and concerts at the Hessian State Theatre in Wiesbaden. What continues to fascinate us about this monumental work? How political is Wagner? The perfect intellectual introduction to the "Ring" at the International May Festival - for Wagnerians and fans of Wolfgang M. Schmitt!


With Wolfgang M. Schmitt & Constantin Mende