
DramaRevivalKleines Haus

Der zerbrochne Krug

The Broken Jug
By Heinrich von Kleist
Performed in German
DramaRevivalKleines Haus

Die Pest

The Plague
Based on the novel by Albert Camus
Adapted for the stage by Sebastian Sommer
Performed in German
DramaRevivalKleines Haus

Mord auf Schloss Haversham

The Play That Goes Wrong
Comedy by Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer & Henry Shields
Performed in German, in a version by Martin Riemann
Based on the tragedy by Grillparzer
Performed in German
DramaRevivalKleines Haus
Comedy in five acts by Molière
Performed in German
DramaRevivalKleines Haus

Endstation Sehnsucht

A Streetcar Named Desire
By Tennessee Williams
Performed in German, in a version by Helmar Harald Fischer