

Richard Wagner (1813 – 1883)
Romantic opera in three acts
Sung in German, with surtitles.
Libretto by the composer
Premiere: 1850 in Weimar
Fr, 31.05.2024
International May FestivalGrosses Haus18:00 - 22:30
* Please note the changed starting time (18:00) *
Trailer: Theater TV – Ullrich Bohn
Photo: Karl und Monika Forster
Photo: Karl und Monika Forster
Photo: Karl und Monika Forster
Photo: Karl und Monika Forster
Photo: Karl und Monika Forster
Photo: Karl und Monika Forster
Photo: Karl und Monika Forster
Photo: Karl und Monika Forster
Photo: Karl und Monika Forster
Photo: Karl und Monika Forster
Photo: Karl und Monika Forster
Photo: Karl und Monika Forster
Photo: Karl und Monika Forster
Photo: Karl und Monika Forster
Photo: Karl und Monika Forster
Photo: Karl und Monika Forster
Photo: Karl und Monika Forster
Photo: Karl und Monika Forster
Photo: Karl und Monika Forster

Brabant is in a state of crisis: the duchy is to join a far-off war, the duke is dead and the heir to the throne, Gottfried – still a child – has disappeared, with his sister Elsa suspected to have murdered him. Only a miracle can save the situation, and that arrives in the form of the mysterious Swan Knight Lohengrin, who is prepared to defend Elsa, on condition that she marries him and does not ask his name or origins. Lohengrin ushers in a new utopian era on the brink of great political upheaval.

Richard Wagner's "Lohengrin" continues to inspire new interpretations: the revolutionary score moves between ethereal Grail music and military fanfares, turning the multi-layered text into an extraordinary Gesamtkunstwerk.

PREMIERE: 16 September 2023


Conductor Michael Güttler
Director Henriette Hörnigk
Stage Design Julius Theodor Semmelmann
Costume Design Claudia Charlotte Burchard
Lighting Design Andreas Frank
Chorus Master Albert Horne
Dramaturgy Constantin Mende
Lohengrin Klaus Florian Vogt
Elsa Heather Engebretson
Ortrud Khatuna Mikaberidze
Telramund Egils Silins
Heinrich der Vogler Timo Riihonen
King's Herald Christopher Bolduc
Four Noblemen of Brabant Tianji Lin, Darcy Carroll, Benjamin Hee, Istvan Balota
Chor, Chorsolist:innen & Extrachor des Hessischen Staatstheaters Wiesbaden, Statisterie des Hessischen Staatstheaters Wiesbaden, Hessisches Staatsorchester Wiesbaden