Film Programme at the Caligari FilmBühne

Werk ohne Autor

Never Look Away
Director Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck
D 2018
189 Min.
FSK 12+

Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck's film is an emotional roller coaster ride through three epochs of German history, illuminating the madness and tragedy of the 20th century to the backdrop of three very different destinies. The thriller is an homage to the liberating power of art - both rousing and moving. Lead actor Sebastian Koch also presents himself at the Festival with his reading of Tolstoy's "Kreutzersonate".

Accompany reading: Die Kreuzersonate

Price: 8 € / disc. 7 € (Tickets directly via Caligari FilmBühne)

Organiser: Kulturamt Wiesbaden


Cast Tom Schilling, Sebastian Koch, Paula Beer, Saskia Rosendahl, Ina Weisse, Ben Becker, Hanno Koffler


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