Benjamin Hee

Baritone Benjamin Hee began his vocal training with Friedemann Kunder and completed his first degree at Dr. Hoch's Konservatorium in Frankfurt am Main, graduating with distinction. Since 2021 Benjamin Felix Hee has been studying concert singing with Thomas E. Bauer in the Master's programme. He has also attended master classes with Prof. Klesie Kelly-Moog, Prof. Thomas Heyer and Prof. Thilo Dahlmann, among others. Engagements have taken him to the Staatstheater Wiesbaden and the Konzerthaus Blaibach, among others. In addition to contemporary music, he also focuses on Lied singing. Benjamin Felix Hee recently made his debut at the Frankfurt Opera as Giorgio in "La gazza ladra".


Four Noblemen of Brabant in »Lohengrin«