Oliver Porst


Lighting Design in »Follies«
Lighting Design in »Der Sturm«
Lighting Design in »Tartuffe«
Lighting Design in »Mord auf Schloss Haversham«
Lighting Design in »Drei Schwestern«
Lighting Designer in »Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District«


Cancellation / Change
Bookings open on 14 February
Kleines Haus18:00 - 20:30
Sold out / leftover tickets at the box office
MusicalGrosses Haus19:30 - 22:15
* Please note this date was moved from 6 to 8 June 2024. *
Final performance this Season!Kleines Haus19:30 - 22:00
Sold out / leftover tickets at the box office
Final performance!Kleines Haus19:30 - 22:25
Musical | Final performance!Grosses Haus19:30 - 22:15
Grosses Haus19:30 - 22:30