Trailer: De-Da Productions
»Last Work«
Photo: Andreas J. Etter
»Last Work«
Photo: Andreas J. Etter
»Last Work«
Photo: Andreas J. Etter
»Last Work«
Photo: Andreas J. Etter
»Last Work«
Photo: Andreas J. Etter

There is an aura of evanescence shimmering through the energetic, dense "Last Work" by legend choreographer Ohad Naharin. A feeling of clarity and reflection, as if in epicentre of a hurricane. In "Last Work", the Israeli choreographer present a somewhat calm, though-provoking world, filled with powerful physical presence, carried by the electronic sounds of German DJ Grischa Lichtenberger. Following his highly acclaimed "Sadeh21" in the 2018/19 season, Naharin returns to Wiesbaden with another revival of one of his creations for the Hessisches Staatsballett.


Choreography Ohad Naharin
Lighting Design
Soundtrack editing / design Maxim Warratt
Original Music Grischa Lichtenberger
Stage Design Zohar Shoef
Costume Design Eri Nakamura
Assistance to Ohad Naharin & Maxim Warratt Ariel Cohen, Guy Shomroni
Rehearsal Director Rachael Osborne, Ian Robinson, Nitzan Ressler


Produced by Batsheva Dance Company. Co-production: Montpellier Danse & HELLERAU - European Centre for the Arts Dresden. Supported by Batsheva New Works Fund and Dalia and Eli Hurvitz Foundation. World premiere 2 June 2015, Suzanne Dellal Center, Tel-Aviv