Eva-Maria Damasko | DE


Hearded Spaces – Hearted Spaces
A free listening event for children and young adults aged 8 to 18
By Eva-Maria Damasko
Su, 26.05.2024
IMF City Projects | Free EntrySchlachthof Wiesbaden14:00 - 17:00

YOU talk - WE listen!

We humans are the only living beings on earth that can talk. Unfortunately, we have forgotten how to listen properly. And we want to change that! Because by listening, we can find solutions to life's big and small concerns and challenges - even if we disagree with each other.

On three days in May, you are cordially invited to tell us adults about your world - whatever you want and for as long as you want. What is said will remain our secret. We promise!

Look out for our ten small orange carpets, each with two chairs on them. We look forward to seeing you! No need to book in advance, just turn up. Entrance is free!


Production, Design & Artistic Direction Eva-Maria Damasko
Listeners In der Kunst des Zuhörens geschulte ehrenamtliche Wiesbadener*innen: Birgit Q., Laura K., Herbert C., Gabriele W., Annette M., Regine R., Tugomira G.-S., Carolin H., Nora T., Atessa T., Aysun K., Regina L., Cassis K., Katja S., Hennes G., Marc P., Christin U., Henry H., Heather T., Christa Z.
With DJ-Duo Oriental Tropical