JUST | 5+

Das verrückte Wohnzimmer

The Crazy Living Room
By Vincent Lagasse
Original French version by Christina Weber
Performed in German

Trailer: Mayorga
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler

Since the death of her husband, Madame Lucie has become lonely and withdrawn. She rarely leaves the house and is surrounded by dusty memories. She goes out of her way to avoid meeting her new neighbour, Monsieur Anatol. But today, everything suddenly seems different. Madame Lucie's cosy living room seems to have gone crazy! Books fall off the shelves, drawers open and close as if bewitched. Just as everything seems to be moving of its own accord, the doorbell rings. There stands Monsieur Anatol and reports that strange things are also happening in his flat. Together, the two decide to get to the bottom of the mystery. Stage magic for the whole family!


Stage Design Nina Wronka
Costume Design Lara Regula
Music Timo Willecke
Dramaturgy Rebecca Rasche