Claudia Charlotte Burchard

Claudia Charlotte Burchard was born in in Schwerin/Mecklenburg and has lived in Berlin since 1987. She has worked as freelance costume and set designer and photographer since 1994, among others for theatres in Halle, Schwerin, Berlin, Weimar, Dresden, Rostock, Magdeburg and Plauen/Zwickau. She has worked with Henriette Hörnigk, Ralph Reichel, Volker Metzler, Matthias Thieme, Wolfgang Dosch, Peter Dehler, Roland May, Claudia Geisler-Bading, Annett Wöhlert and Daniel Pfluger. She regularly collaborates with Henriette Hörnigk at the Neues Theater Halle and the Oper Halle, with productions such as "Wie im Himmel", Ratten", "Mephisto", "König Lear", Wut", "Die Dreigroschenoper", "Cabaret" and "Candide". Most recently, she designed the costumes for the German premiere of Tom Stoppard's trilogy "The Coast of Utopia" and Joseph Roth's "Hiob" at the Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden. During the 2023.2024 season in Wiesbaden, she will design the costumes for "Lohengrin" and the stage for "Angabe der Person ".