JUST | 11+

Was das Nashorn sah, als es auf die andere Seite des Zauns schaute

What the Rhino Saw on the Other Side of the Fence
By Jens Raschke
Performed in German

Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Photo: Christine Tritschler

Following the rhino's rather suspicious death in a small zoo, a bear from Siberia moves in with Papa Baboon, Mr Mouflon and the groundhog girl. The bear's unpleasant questions concerning the strange, striped, scrawny creatures on the other side of the fence bring unrest to the previously well-ordered and peaceful zoological community. Papa Baboon urgently suggests caution and warns not to be too curious, but the bear simply cannot overlook what is happening on the other side of the fence, and he decides to act. The parable, for which Jens Raschke was awarded the 2014 Children's Literature Prize, is set in a resort for the SS an their relatives. Jens Raschke says: »It is not a play about the Buchenwald concentration camp - it may not be possible to write a play about it - but a play posing the question: Bear or Baboon?«


Design Nina Wronka
Dramaturgy Anika Bárdos
Learning & Participation Anne Tysiak
Groundhog Girl Sophie Pompe
Papa Baboon Atef Vogel
The Bear Klara Wördemann
Mr. Mouflon Felix Strüven