Trailer »29 May 1913« © Johannes Kulz
Trailer »Le sacre du printemps« © Johannes Kulz
Photo: Bettina Stöß
Photo: Bettina Stöß
Photo: Bettina Stöß
Photo: Bettina Stöß
Photo: Bettina Stöß
Photo: Bettina Stöß
Photo: Bettina Stöß
Photo: Bettina Stöß
Photo: Bettina Stöß

In the double evening "Le sacre du printemps", the Hessian State Ballet continues the performance legacy of the famous "Rite of Spring" with two contemporary works by Bryan Arias and Edward Clug. The commissioned work "29 May 1913" deals with the scandalous Parisian premiere. In it, Arias shines a questioning spotlight on the complex state of our own cultural reflection. Clug's work, which received its premiere in 2012 at the Slovenian National Theatre in Maribor, is a subtle symbiosis of archaic themes and an almost hypnotic abandonment to the music. In addition to his consciously traditional approach to the work, Clug also takes a differentiated look at the historical reception of the famous material. The music of the second part of the evening is performed live by the Hessian State Orchestra.


Hessisches Staatsballett

29 May 1913

Projections & Stage Design Tabea Rothfuchs
Costume Design Bregje van Balen
Lighting Design Yu-Chen Hung
Music Dmitri Savchenko-Belski
Dramaturgy Lucas Herrmann

Le sacre du printemps

Lighting Design Tomaž Premzl
Stage Designer Marko Japelj
Costume Design Leo Kulaš