Silvia Gatto

Photo: Privat
Silvia Gatto hails from Como, Italy, where she studied music at the Conservatory and theatre with Pino di Bello, director of the Compagnia Como Cittamurata. She graduated in Communication and Performing Arts at the University of Milan and obtained a Master's degree in Directing and Dramaturgy at the IUAV University of Venice. There she studied with Romeo Castellucci, Alain Maratrat and Daniele del Giudicee. While in Venice, she made her directorial debut with an adaptation of George Orwell's "1984", later directing "Hamlet" in Padua and collaborating as theatre editor and critic for the magazine "Biennale Teatro", the monthly "Venezia Musica e Dintorni" and the web review "Il Tamburo di Kattrin". After moving to France, she assisted in theatre productions with Valérie Dréville, Guillaume Leveque and Yuri Pogrebnitchko at the ERACM - Ecole Régionale d'Acteurs de Cannes et Marseille. She then studied opera direction at the Opéra National de Lorraine and took part worked on several opera productions at the Opera de Nice, the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris, the Festival Soirées Lyriques in Sanxay, the Atelier Lyrique in Tourcoing and the Mariinsky Theatre in St Petersburg.

As permanent Assistant Director at the Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden, she assists guest directors and supervises the direction of repertoire productions.