Simone Kermes | DE

Colori del mare

The Colours of the Sea
An evening with baroque arias by Händel, Vivaldi,
Hasse, Bononcini, amongst others

Simone Kermes
Photo: Sandra Ludewig
Amici Veneziani
Photo: Janine Schilf
Simone Kermes
Photo: Sandra Ludewig

Immerse yourself in the fascinating soundscapes of the sea with Simone Kermes, the queen of baroque music. In her new programme "Colori del mare" (The Colours of the Sea), she takes the audience on a musical journey through the many facets of the sea. The programme includes baroque arias by Handel, Vivaldi and many others. "Colori del mare" is the follow-up to the best-selling album "Colori d'amore", for which Simone Kermes won the Echo Award as "Singer of the Year". The virtuosity of her voice lends a special expressiveness to the arias, and together with Amici Veneziani she transmits pure energy and joy.


Soprano Simone Kermes
Amici Veneziani