Clemens Bechtel

Clemens Bechtel as born in Heidelberg in 1964 and studied Applied Theatre Studies at the Justus Liebig University in Gieße. He subsequently worked as assistant director at the TAT Frankfurt, the Nationaltheater Mannheim and the Schauspielhaus Hamburg, among others. He has been working as freelance director since 1995 and is particularly known for his documentary work. He has staged productions in Germany, Switzerland, Hungary, Romania, Denmark, Mali and Malawi. His production "Staatssicherheiten" at the Hans Otto Theater Potsdam, in which 15 former prisoners report on the prisons of the Stasi, was awarded the Friedrich Luft Prize in 2009. He has also worked at the Cologne Opera, Landestheater Tübingen, Theater Konstanz, Staatsschauspiel Dresden and was artistic director of the international project "Hunger for Trade" at the Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg, where he also developed the German contribution "Cargo Fleisch".

Previous work in Wiesbaden includes "Die Träume der Armen, die Ängste der Reichen", "Sechs Jahre - Der Abschied von meiner Schwester", "Casino" and "Wuhan - Die Verwandlung". During the 2023/24 season, he directs the drama "Das Ministerium" and the opera "Der Freischütz".