JUST | 14+

Der Mensch ist ein Anderer

Development of a new play with the CyberRäuber and Neural Networks
Performed in German

Trailer: De-Da Productions
Vera Hannah Schmidtke, Sophie Pompe, Philipp Steinheuser
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Philipp Steinheuser, Vera Hannah Schmidtke
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Philipp Steinheuser, Vera Hannah Schmidtke, Sophie Pompe
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Philipp Steinheuser, Sophie Pompe, Vera Hannah Schmidtke
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Philipp Steinheuser
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Vera Hannah Schmidtke
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Vera Hannah Schmidtke, Philipp Steinheuser, Sophie Pompe
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Sophie Pompe, Philipp Steinheuser
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Vera Hannah Schmidtke, Sophie Pompe
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Sophie Pompe, Vera Hannah Schmidtke, Philipp Steinheuser
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Sophie Pompe, Vera Hannah Schmidtke, Philipp Steinheuser
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Vera Hannah Schmidtke, Philipp Steinheuser, Sophie Pompe
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Vera Hannah Schmidtke, Philipp Steinheuser
Photo: Christine Tritschler
Sophie Pompe, Vera Hannah Schmidtke, Philipp Steinheuser
Photo: Christine Tritschler

© CyberRäuber / formdusche.de
Three performers embark on a journey of discovery into the neural networks: the basis of the experiment is 1, 000 hours of theatre streams and the new GTP-3 autoregressive language model, fed with countless theatrical texts. In so doing, the AI takes over the job of live author and director, sending real-time texts and instructions into the performers' in-ear headphones, while at the same time directing lighting, visuals and composing appropriate music for the scene. The result is a totally unique performance that can never be repeated in exactly the same way.

For this project, the CyberRäuber pool their experience gained over the course of four projects which all incorporated AI to some extent. But this time they go one step further: how does AI read the audience, what narratives will emerge, what emotions might it generate? Can a machine produce a perfect evening of theatre? And if not, what are the reasons and what can we learn from the experience? Or to put it in GPT-3 terms: »How likely is it that machines can present their own work as art, without us actually knowing whether it is art or not?«


Directo CyberRäuber (Björn Lengers & Marcel Karnapke)
Stage Design Lars Werneke
Costume Design Steffi Sucker
Music Jörg Brinkmann
Operator Lana Bandorski
Dramaturgy Wolfgang Behrens