Henriette Hörnigk

Photo: Katrin Denkewitz
Henriette Hörnigk studied Dramatic Arts and Modern German Literature at the Humboldt University Berlin and at the Université Paris V. She worked as dramaturg at the Ramba Zamba Theatre in Berlin from 1992 to 1994. In 1998, she became dramaturg at Staatstheater Schwerin, and head dramaturg in 2002. At the same time, she worked as lecturer at Middlebury College/Vermont and at the "Ernst Busch" drama school in Berlin.

From 2011/2012 she was head dramaturge, deputy artistic director and director at the Neues Theater Halle. Here she staged, among others, "Frau Müller muss weg" by Lutz Hübner, "Wie im Himmel" by Kay Pollak, "Die Ratten" by Gerhart Hauptmann, the Gottfried Benn evening "Dschungel ohne Bisse", "Mephisto" after Klaus Mann, Goethe's "Wahlverwandtschaften", Frayn's "Der nackte Wahnsinn" and Shakespeare's "König Lear". At the Halle Opera House she was responsible for directing Jelinek's "Wut", the world premiere of "Nackt über Berlin" based on the successful novel by Axel Ranisch and Brecht/Weill's "Dreigroschenoper" as a multi-genre production. This was followed by the musical "Cabaret" and Leonard Bernstein's comic opera "Candide" at the Halle Opera. Most recently she directed the Heiner Müller trilogy "Medea/Mauser/Quartett", and "Krankheit der Jugend" at the Neues Theater Halle as well as Tankred Dorst's "Merlin" at the Grillo Theater Essen. Since the 2015.2016 season, she has directed the Halle Studio together with Alexander Gamnitzer, now with Hagen Ritschel, and regularly works as a lecturer on the "Klippenspringer" studies with the acting students.

In 2019, she directed Zuckmayer's "Der fröhliche Weinberg" at the Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden. This was followed by the German-language premiere of Tom Stoppard's "The Coast of Utopia", a 9-hour theatre marathon, and Joseph Roth's "Job". In 2023/24 she makes her operatic debut at the Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden with "Lohengrin". In the same season, she will also direct the play adaptation of Elfride Jelinek's novel "Angabe der Person".