Dalia Schaechter, Boaz Krauzer & Band | DE / IL

Warsaw – New York – Tel Aviv

A production by Dalia Schaechter, Boaz Krauzer and Theater im Bauturm, in cooperation with Kölner Forum für Kultur im Dialog e.V. / Shalom-Musik.Koeln and Kölnische Gesellschaft für Christlich-Jüdische Zusammenarbeit e.V.

Trailer: Warschau – New York – Tel Aviv
Warschau – New York – Tel Aviv
Photo: Hyou Vierts
Warschau – New York – Tel Aviv
Photo: Hyou Vierts
Warschau – New York – Tel Aviv
Photo: Hyou Vierts
Warschau – New York – Tel Aviv
Photo: Hyou Vierts
Warschau – New York – Tel Aviv
Photo: Hyou Vierts
Warschau – New York – Tel Aviv
Photo: Hyou Vierts

Dalia Schaechter has been a member of the ensemble and a Kammersängerin at Cologne Opera since 1995. Now, for the first time, she has developed a musical evening with the young pianist Boaz Krauzer from Tel Aviv. The result is a wild revue of music from the Jewish diaspora: from lullabies and protest songs to mystical hymns, political chansons, Arabic crossover sounds and Broadway show tunes, from Mordechai Gebirtig to Irving Berlin, George Gershwin and Mordechai Zeira, from intimate moments to extroverted glamour and the evocation of a lost homeland in song. Accompanied by her four-piece band, Dalia Schaechter's "Warsaw - New York - Tel Aviv" unfolds the sonic panorama of a musical tradition as rich as it is diverse, inviting the listener to explore Jewish music beyond Klezmer.


Direction & Texts Martin Mutschler
Dramaturgy René Michaelsen
Production Manager Erika Walter
Vocals Dalia Schaechter
Piano, Arrangements & Vocals Boaz Krauzer
Clarinet & Saxophone Andy Miles
Double Bass Johannes Esser
Percussion Kurt Fuhrmann