Uwe Kraus, Angela Denoke | DE

Zwischen gestern und morgen

Musical Reading
Performed in German.

Photo: Michael Birnbaum
Angela Denoke
Photo: Christian Boldt
Tal Balshai
Photo: Benjamin Boehler

"This evening is my personal farewell to and from the theatre. I'm presenting texts that I've always wanted to read, texts that deal with issues such as birth, childhood, love, the search for meaning, transience, illness and death. I am accompanied by colleagues with whom I have shared the stage over the last 20 years". This is how Uwe Kraus describes his musical reading "Zwischen gestern und morgen". The programme features texts by Mascha Kaléko, Mark Twain, Shakespeare and Ágnes Nemes among others, accompanied by a colourful musical programme with works and songs by Elgar, Werner Richard Heymann and the Comedian Harmonists, to name but a few.

Celebrate this farewell with us and let literature and music comfort you.


Concept & Reading Uwe Kraus
Soprano Angela Denoke
Piano & Arrangements Tal Balshai
With Tim Hawken, Christine Seiler, Edzard Locher, Timo Willecke, Sylvia Willecke